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Critical Thinking: Proven Strategies To Improve Decision Making Skills, Increase Intuition And Think Smarter: Proven Strategies To Improve Decision Making Skills, Increase Intuition And Think Smarter

Critical Thinking: Proven Strategies To Improve Decision Making Skills, Increase Intuition And Think Smarter: Proven Strategies To Improve Decision Making Skills, Increase Intuition And Think Smarter 0.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-08-19 15:48:57

作者:Simon Bradley

出版社:CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform



文件格式: pdf

标签: 逻辑学 认知科学 自我提升

简介· · · · · ·

“Critical Thinking: Proven Strategies To Improve Decision Making Skills, Increase Intuition And Think Smarter!” is a well-rounded introduction to the principles of critical thinking. The book provides tips and steps that are easy to follow, yet very effective in solving problems of all kinds.

This guide is helpful to people of all walks of life. The techniques it provides are u...

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