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Learning RxJava: Second Edition: Build concurrent applications using reactive programming with the latest features of RxJava 3

Learning RxJava: Second Edition: Build concurrent applications using reactive programming with the latest features of RxJava 3 0.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-08-19 16:11:51

作者:Nick Samoylov

出版社:Packt Publishing



文件格式: pdf

标签: 软件工程 计算机科学 2020

简介· · · · · ·

Updated with the latest Maven coordinates, Java programming features, and API changes, this book is your guide to solving problems in writing asynchronous and event-based programs

Key Features

Explore a variety of tools and techniques used to solve problems in implementing concurrency and parallelization

Learn about core operators in RxJava that enable you to express your code ...

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Table of Contents
Thinking Reactively
Observable and Observer
Basic Operators
Combining Observables
Multicasting, Replaying, and Caching
Concurrency and Parallelization
Switching, Throttling, Windowing, and Buffering
Flowables and Backpressure
Transformers and Custom Operators
Testing and Debugging
RxJava on Android
Using RxJava for Kotlin
Appendix A: Introducing Lambda Expressions
Appendix B: Functional Types
Appendix C: Mixing Object-Oriented and Reactive Programming
Appendix D: Materializing and Dematerializing
Appendix E: Understanding Schedulers