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The Killing Wind: A Chinese County's Descent into Madness during the Cultural Revolution

The Killing Wind: A Chinese County's Descent into Madness during the Cultural Revolution 9.1分

资源最后更新于 2020-08-20 13:59:07

作者:Tan Heçheng

译者:Guo Jian

出版社:Oxford University Press



文件格式: pdf

标签: 文革 历史 谭合成 道县 近现代史 共和国 海外中国研究 屠杀

简介· · · · · ·

Over the course of 66 days in 1967, more than 9,000 Chinese "class enemies" - including young children and the elderly - were murdered in Dao, a county in the Hunan province. Commonly known as the Daoxian massacre, the killings were one of the many acts of mass violence and radicalism that rocked China during the Cultural Revolution. However, in spite of the scope and brutality...


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