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The Politics of Authoritarian Rule

The Politics of Authoritarian Rule 9.5分

资源最后更新于 2020-08-20 14:04:19

作者:Milan W. Svolik

出版社:Cambridge University Press



文件格式: pdf

标签: 政治学 威权主义 比较政治 政治 独裁政治 民主转型 比较政治学 英文原版

简介· · · · · ·

What drives politics in dictatorships? Milan W. Svolik argues authoritarian regimes must resolve two fundamental conflicts. Dictators face threats from the masses over which they rule – the problem of authoritarian control. Secondly from the elites with whom dictators rule – the problem of authoritarian power-sharing. Using the tools of game theory, Svolik explains why some dic...


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1. Introduction: the anatomy of dictatorship; 2. The world of authoritarian politics; Part I. The Problem of Authoritarian Power-Sharing: 3. And then there was one!: Authoritarian power-sharing and the path to personal dictatorship; 4. Institutions, collective action, and the success of authoritarian power-sharing; Part II. The Problem of Authoritarian Control: 5. Moral hazard in authoritarian repression and the origins of military dictatorships; 6. Why authoritarian parties?: The regime party as an instrument of co-optation and control; 7. Conclusion: incentives and institutions in authoritarian politics.