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Truth-conditional Pragmatics

Truth-conditional Pragmatics 0.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-08-21 15:06:29

作者:Recanati, Francois




文件格式: pdf

标签: 语言学 Psychologia Philosophia Linguistica Linguistic-pragmatics F.Recanati

简介· · · · · ·

Francois Recanati argues against the traditional understanding of the semantics/pragmatics divide and puts forward a radical alternative. Through half a dozen case studies, he shows that what an utterance says cannot be neatly separated from what the speaker means. In particular, the speaker's meaning endows words with senses that are tailored to the situation of utterance and ...

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Introduction ; 1. Compositionality, Flexibility, and Context-Dependence ; 2. Adjectives: A Case Study ; 3. Weather Reports ; 4. Pragmatics and Logical Form ; 5. Embedded Implicatures ; 6. Indexicality and Context-Shift ; 7. Open Quotation ; 8. Open Quotation Revisited ; References