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Secondary Predication and Adverbial Modification: The Typology of Depictives

Secondary Predication and Adverbial Modification: The Typology of Depictives 0.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-08-21 15:06:35

作者:Himmelmann, Nikolaus P.; Schultze-Berndt, Eva F.;

出版社:OUP Oxford



文件格式: pdf

标签: 语言学 类型学 专业书 E

简介· · · · · ·

Depictive secondary predicates such as raw in George ate the fish raw are important for current issues in syntactic and semantic theory, in particular predication theory, phrase structure theories, issues of control and grammatical relations, and verbal aspect. This is the first book to approach depictive secondary predication from a cross-linguistic perspective. It maps out al...

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