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design is the problem: The Future of Design Must be Sustainable

design is the problem: The Future of Design Must be Sustainable 0.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-08-23 08:10:12

作者:Nathan Shedroff




文件格式: pdf

标签: 设计 交互设计 Design Sustainability Sustainable_design 英文 略讀 环保

简介· · · · · ·

the world—if they know how to focus their skills, time, and agendas. In Design is the Problem: The Future of Design Must be Sustainable, Nathan Shedroff examines how the endemic culture of design often creates unsustainable solutions, and shows how designers can bake sustainability into their design processes in order to produce more sustainable solutions.

Design is the Problem...


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Chapter 1: What is Sustainability?
Chapter 2: How is Sustainability Measured?
Chapter 3: What Are the Approaches to Sustainability?
Chapter 4: Design for Use
Chapter 5: Dematerialization
Chapter 6: Substitution
Chapter 7: Localization
Chapter 8: Transmaterialization
Chapter 9: Informationalization
Chapter 10: Design for Durability
Chapter 11: Design for Reuse
Chapter 12: Design for Disassembly
Chapter 13: Close the Loop
Chapter 14: Design for Effectiveness
Chapter 15: Design for Systems
Chapter 16: Innovating Solutions
Chapter 17: Measuring Results
Chapter 18: Declaring Results
Chapter 19: Conclusion