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How the Mind Works

How the Mind Works 8.6分

资源最后更新于 2020-08-23 08:15:18

作者:Steven Pinker

出版社:W. W. Norton & Company



文件格式: pdf

标签: 心理学 认知科学 Steven-Pinker 思维 psychology 认知 心理 Mind

简介· · · · · ·

In this extraordinary bestseller, Steven Pinker, one of the world's leading cognitive scientists, does for the rest of the mind what he did for language in his 1994 book, The Language Instinct. He explains what the mind is, how it evolved, and how it allows us to see, think, feel, laugh, interact, enjoy the arts, and ponder the mysteries of life. And he does it with the wi...

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