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Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software

Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software 9.1分

资源最后更新于 2020-08-23 08:25:29

作者:Michael Sikorski

出版社:No Starch Press



文件格式: pdf

标签: 计算机安全 安全 逆向 计算机 病毒 windows内核的 malware 信息安全

简介· · · · · ·

Malware analysis is big business, and attacks can cost a company dearly. When malware breaches your defenses, you need to act quickly to cure current infections and prevent future ones from occurring. For those who want to stay ahead of the latest malware, Practical Malware Analysis will teach you the tools and techniques used by professional analysts. With this book as your g...


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Chapter 0: Malware Analysis Primer
Part 1: Basic Analysis
Chapter 1: Basic Static Techniques
Chapter 2: Malware Analysis in Virtual Machines
Chapter 3: Basic Dynamic Analysis
Part 2: Advanced Static Analysis
Chapter 4: A Crash Course in x86 Disassembly
Chapter 5: IDA Pro
Chapter 6: Recognizing C Code Constructs in Assembly
Chapter 7: Analyzing Malicious Windows Programs
Part 3: Advanced Dynamic Analysis
Chapter 8: Debugging
Chapter 9: OllyDbg
Chapter 10: Kernel Debugging with WinDbg
Part 4: Malware Functionality
Chapter 11: Malware Behavior
Chapter 12: Covert Malware Launching
Chapter 13: Data Encoding
Chapter 14: Malware-Focused Network Signatures
Part 5: Anti-Reverse-Engineering
Chapter 15: Anti-Disassembly
Chapter 16: Anti-Debugging
Chapter 17: Anti-Virtual Machine Techniques
Chapter 18: Packers and Unpacking
Part 6: Special Topics
Chapter 19: Shellcode Analysis
Chapter 20: C++ Analysis
Chapter 21: 64-Bit Malware
Appendix A: Important Windows Functions
Appendix B: Tools for Malware Analysis
Appendix C: Solutions to Labs