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Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide

Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide 8.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-08-23 16:28:04

作者:Henry Jenkins

出版社:NYU Press



文件格式: pdf

标签: 传播学 新媒体 HenryJenkins 文化研究 new_media communication newmedia web2.0

简介· · · · · ·

"Convergence Culture" maps a new territory: where old and new media intersect, where grassroots and corporate media collide, where the power of the media producer, and the power of the consumer interact in unpredictable ways. Henry Jenkins, one of America's most respected media analysts, delves beneath the new media hype to uncover the important cultural transformations that ar...


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Introduction:”worship at the altar of convergence”: a new paradigm for understanding media change
1 spoiling Survivor: the anatomy of a knowledge community
2 buying into American Idol: how we are being sold on reality TV
3 searching for the origami unicorn: The Matrix and transmedia storytelling
4 Quentin Tarantino’s Star Wars? Grassroots creativity meets the media industry
5 why Heather can writer: media literacy and the Harry Potter wars
6 photoshop for democracy: the new relationship between politics and popular culture
Conclusion: democratizing television? the politics of participation