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English Exposed: Common Mistakes Made by Chinese Speakers

English Exposed: Common Mistakes Made by Chinese Speakers 7.7分

资源最后更新于 2020-08-26 06:31:29

作者:Steve Hart

出版社:Hong Kong University Press



文件格式: pdf

标签: 英语学习 英语 论文写作 英语写作 写作 英文原版 学英语 English

简介· · · · · ·

Having analysed the most common English errors made in over 600 academic papers written by Chinese undergraduates, postgraduates, and researchers, Steve Hart has written an essential, practical guide specifically for the native Chinese speaker on how to write good academic English. English Exposed: Common Mistakes Made by Chinese Speakers is divided into three main sections. Th...

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English Exposed: Common Mistakes Made by Chinese Speakers
Steve Hart
About the Author
Part A: Classes . . . to recognize
1. Countable and Uncountable Nouns
2. Articles
3. Pronouns and Quantifiers
4. Subject and Verb
5. Verbs and Tenses
6. Modals
7. Prepositions and Particles
8. Adjectives and Adverbs
9. Possession and Compounds
10. Clauses and Other Structures
Part B: Choices . . . to remember
11. Noun-Adjective-Verb Confusion
12. Selecting the Correct Word
13. Selecting the Correct Style

Part C: Components . . . to review
14. Regions and Countries
15. Dates and Time Expressions
16. Numbers and Percentages
17. Figures and Tables
18. Spelling and Typos
19. Punctuation
20. Referencing
Appendix: Irregular Verbs