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The Craft of Research, Fourth Edition

The Craft of Research, Fourth Edition 9.1分

资源最后更新于 2020-08-26 06:50:27

作者:Wayne C. Booth

出版社:University Of Chicago Press



文件格式: pdf

标签: 论文写作 研究 研究方法 写作 社会科学 方法论 英文版 英文

简介· · · · · ·

A well-constructed, articulate reminder of how important fundamental questions of style and approach, such as clarity and precision, are to all research. --Praise for previous edition "Times Literary Supplement ""

I recommend it to my students . . . and keep a copy close at hand as the first option offered to students who ask, Just how should I begin my research? --Praise for p...

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