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胡适英文文存1: 中国文学与社会

胡适英文文存1: 中国文学与社会 8.4分

资源最后更新于 2020-08-26 06:53:50

作者:胡适 著




文件格式: pdf

标签: 胡适 英文 文学 新文化 社会 史料 胡適 英文原版

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A Literary Revolution in China
The Literary Revolution in China
The Social Message in Chinese Poetry
A Chinese Declaration of the Rights of Women
The Greatest Event in Life, A Farce in One Act
The Literary Renaissance
Introduction to Monkey
The Chinese Novel
Marriage Customs in China
Introduction to The Story of the Chinese Eastern Railway
Which Road Are We Going?
Essay in Living Philosophies
Woman’s Place in Chinese History
The Tz’u-T’ung: A New Dictionary of Classical Polysyllabic Words and Phrases
An Optimist in the Sea of Pessimism
An Optimist Looks at China
Essay in I Believe: The Personal Philosophies of Certain Eminent Men and Women of Our Time
Intellectual Preparedness
The Place of the Alumni Organization in the History of Universities
A Historian Looks at Chinese Painting
The Chinese Art Society
“Foreword” to How to Cook and Eat in Chinese
Chang Poling: A Biographical Tribute
Ten-Year Plan for China’s Academic Independence
My Early Association with the Gest Oriental Library
The Gest Oriental Library at Princeton University
Rabindranath Tagore in China