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The Quantum Theory of Fields Volume I:Foundations

The Quantum Theory of Fields Volume I:Foundations 9.7分

资源最后更新于 2020-08-26 15:07:26

作者:Steven Weinberg

出版社:Cambridge University Press/世界图书出版公司



文件格式: pdf

标签: 量子场论 物理 QFT weinberg Physics 场论 教材 Weinberg

简介· · · · · ·

In The Quantum Theory of Fields, Nobel Laureate Steven Weinberg combines his exceptional physical insight with his gift for clear exposition to provide a self-contained, comprehensive, and up-to-date introduction to quantum field theory. This is a two-volume work. Volume I introduces the foundations of quantum field theory. The development is fresh and logical throughout, with ...


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PREFACENOTATION1 HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION 1.1 Relativistic Wave Mechanics 1.2 The Birth of Quantum Fiedld Theory 1.3 The Problem of Infinities Bibliography References2 RELATIVISTIC QUANTUM MECHANICS 2.1 Quantum Mechanics 2.2 Symmetries 2.3 Quantum Lorentz Transformations 2.4 The Poincare Algebra 2.5 One-Particle States 2.6 Space Inversion and Time-Reversal 2.7 Projective Representations AppendixA The Symmetry Representation Theorem AppendixB Group Operators and Homotopy Classes AppendixC Inversions and Degenerate Multiplets Problems References3 SCATTERING THEORY 3.1 In and Out States 3.2 The S-matrix 3.3 Symmetries of the S-Matrix 3.4 Rates and Cross-Sections 3.5 Perturbation Theory 3.6 Implications of Unitarity 3.7 Partial-Wave Expansions 3.8 Resonances Problems References4 THE CLUSTER DECOMPOSITON PRINCIPLE 4.1 Bosons and Fermions 4.2 Creation and Annihilation Operators 4.3 Cluster Decomposition and Connected Amplitudes 4.4 Structure of the Interaction5 QUANTUM FIELDS AND ANTIPARTICLES 5.1 Free Fields 5.2 Causal Scalar Fields 5.3 Causal Vector Fields 5.4 The Dirac Formalism 5.5 Causal Dirac Fields 5.6 General Irreducible Representations of the Homogeneous Lorentz Group 5.7 General Causal Fields……6 THE FEYNMAN RULES7 THE CANONICAL FORMALISM8 ELECTRODYNAMICS9 PATH-INTEGRAL METHODS10 NON-PERTURBATIVE METHODS11 ONE-LOOP RADIATIVE CORRECTIONS IN QUANTUM ELECTRODYNAMICS12 GENERAL RENORMALIZATION THEORY13 INFRARED EFFECTS14 BOUND STATES IN EXTERNAL FIELDSAUTHOR INDEXSUBJECT INDEXOUTLINE OF VOLUMEⅡ