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Lucian Freud on paper

Lucian Freud on paper 9.4分

资源最后更新于 2020-09-02 05:07:27

作者:Lucian Freud

出版社:Jonathan Cape



文件格式: pdf

标签: 艺术 绘画 弗洛伊德 Lucian_Freud 画册 画集 致敬 畫冊

简介· · · · · ·

Speaking recently about his early years as an artist Lucian Freud claimed, 'I would have thought I did 200 drawings to every painting in those early days. I very much prided myself on my drawing.' Drawing is fundamental to Freud's development as an artist and to how he sees in a way that that it was not, for example, at the foundation of the work of Francis Bacon. Drawing becam...

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