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Best of Norman Rockwell: A Celebration of America's Favourite Illustrator

Best of Norman Rockwell: A Celebration of America's Favourite Illustrator 9.7分

资源最后更新于 2020-09-02 05:08:08

作者:Tom Rockwell

出版社:Courage Publishing



文件格式: pdf

标签: 诺曼·罗克威尔 画册 NormanRockwell 插画 画集 ART 大师画册 Rockwell

简介· · · · · ·

Norman Rockwell's son, Tom, has put together the absolute finest collection of his father's bounteous body of work, illustrations that bespeak the golden glow of pre- and post-WWII Americana. Rockwell senior, who said he depicted life "as I would like it to be," chronicled iconic visions of American life: the Thanksgiving turkey, soda fountains, ice skating on the pond, and sma...

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