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Pro RESTful APIs: Design, Build and Integrate with REST, JSON, XML and JAX-RS

Pro RESTful APIs: Design, Build and Integrate with REST, JSON, XML and JAX-RS 0.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-09-05 21:58:12

作者:Patni, Sanjay




文件格式: pdf

标签: 软件开发 软件工程 计算机 编程开发 编程实践 编程修养 程序设计 电子书

简介· · · · · ·

Discover the RESTful technologies, including REST, JSON, XML, JAX-RS web services, SOAP and more, for building today's microservices, big data applications, and web service applications. This book is based on a course the Oracle-based author is teaching for UC Santa Cruz Silicon Valley which covers architecture, design best practices and coding labs.

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ble of contents (8 chapters)
Fundamentals of RESTful APIs
Patni, Sanjay
Pages 1-9
API Design and Modeling
Patni, Sanjay
Pages 11-31
Introduction - XML, JSON
Patni, Sanjay
Pages 33-48
Introduction to JAX-RS
Patni, Sanjay
Pages 49-62
API Portfolio and Framework
Patni, Sanjay
Pages 63-76
API Platform and Data Handler
Patni, Sanjay
Pages 77-96
API Management and API Client
Patni, Sanjay
Pages 97-106
API Security and Caching