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Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction

Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction 8.8分

资源最后更新于 2020-09-10 15:07:09

作者:Jonathan Culler

出版社:Oxford Paperbacks



文件格式: pdf

标签: 文学理论 文学 literature theory VSI 西方文论 文艺理论 文论

简介· · · · · ·

What is Literary Theory? Is there a relationship between literature and culture? In fact, what is Literature, and does it matter? These are the sorts of questions addressed by Jonathan Culler in a book which steers a clear path through a subject which is often perceived to be impenetrable. It offers insights into theories about the nature of language and meaning, whether litera...

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1 What is theory?
2 What is Literature and Does it Matter?
3 Literature and Cultural Studies
4 Language, Meaning, and Interpretation
5 Rhetoric, Poetics, and Poetry
6 Narrative
7 Performative Language
8 Identity, Identification, and the Subject
Theoretical Schools and Movements
Further Reading