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Pseudo-Galenica: The Formation Of The Galenic Corpus From Antiquity To The Renaissance

Pseudo-Galenica: The Formation Of The Galenic Corpus From Antiquity To The Renaissance 0.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-09-10 15:27:01


出版社:University of London Press



文件格式: pdf

标签: 科技史 STS EarlyModernEurope

简介· · · · · ·

The works of Galen of Pergamum (c. 129-216 CE) were fundamental in the shaping of medicine, philosophy, and neighboring areas of knowledge from antiquity through to the middle ages and early modern times, across a variety of languages and cultures. Yet as early as Galen’s own lifetime, spurious treatises crept into the body of his authentic works, despite his best efforts to pr...


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1. Muddy Waters: Pseudo-Galenic Texts and the Formation of the Galenic Corpus by Caroline Petit2. Three Pseudo-Galenic Texts: Pharmacology and Society in Imperial Rome by Vivian Nutton3. Is the Theriac to Piso Attributed to Galen Authentic? by Véronique Boudon-Millot4. Sur la langue du traité De Theriaca ad Pisonem attribué à Galien de Pergame by Nathalie Rousseau5. Easy Remedies - Difficult Texts: The Pseudo-Galenic Euporista by Laurence Totelin6. Les manuscrits des Definitiones medicae pseudo-galéniques by Marie Cronier7. Four Works on Prognostic Attributed to Galen (Kühn vol. 19): New Hypotheses on Their Authorship, Transmission, and Intellectual Milieu by Caroline Petit8. Pseudonymity and Pseudo-Galen in the Syriac Tradition by Siam Bhayro9. Nicolaus of Rhegium as a Translator of Galen’s Works into Latin: The Case of the Historia philosopha by Mareike Jas10. Pseudo-Galenic Texts on Urines and Pulse in Late Byzantium by Petros Bouras-Vallianatos11. (Pseudo?-)Galen: About the Authenticity of Galen’s Perì alypías in Medieval Hebrew, Compared to the Recently Found Greek Text by Mauro Zonta†12. Alessandro Achillini and the 1502 Galen Opera Omnia: The Influence of Pseudo-Galenic Sources on Early Sixteenth-Century Anatomy by Allen Shotwell13. Pseudo-Galenic Texts in Galen’s Editions (1490-1625) by Stefania Fortuna14. Commentariis in Hippocratis librum Epidemiarum II uti non licet: G. B. Rasario and the False ‘Galenic’ Commentary on Epidemics II by Christina Savino15. La fortune du De spermate dans les éditions imprimées de Galien du XVIe au XVIIe by Outi Merisalo