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Science Without Leisure: Practical Naturalism in Istanbul, 1660-1732

Science Without Leisure: Practical Naturalism in Istanbul, 1660-1732 0.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-09-11 14:57:57

作者:B. Harun Küçük

出版社:University of Pittsburgh Press



文件格式: pdf

标签: 科学史 科技史 奥斯曼帝国 奥斯曼 STS EarlyModernEurope 西方与奥斯曼帝国科学革命的完全不同于常识结论 英文

简介· · · · · ·

Science in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Istanbul, Harun Küçük argues, was without leisure, a phenomenon spurred by the hyperinflation a century earlier when scientific texts all but disappeared from the college curriculum and inflation reduced the wages of professors to one-tenth of what they were in the sixteenth century. It was during this tumultuous period that philos...


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INTRODUCTION After Science: Ottoman Practical Naturalism 3
CHAPTER 1 Istanbul and Her Sciences 33
CHAPTER 2 Istanbul’s Medreses in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries 55
CHAPTER 3 The Ottoman Scholastic Field and the Sciences 83
CHAPTER 4 The Calendar: Copernicus for Tax Collectors 108
CHAPTER 5 The Recipe: An Annotated Chronology of New Medicine in the Seventeenth Century 143
CHAPTER 6 Distinction: A Social Critique of Scientific Taste 167
CHAPTER 7 Like Ants on a Watermelon:
Practical Naturalists Encounter Philosophy 183
CHAPTER 8 Maritime, Mercantile, Sacred:Empiricism and the Compass 204
APPENDIX 1 Extract from Tezkireci I ̇brahim,
Secencelü’l-Eflak fi Gayeti’l-I ̇drak [Mirror of the Heavens at the Edge of Understanding] (1662) 237
APPENDIX 2 Extract from I ̇brahim Müteferrika, Füyuzat-ı Mıknatısiye [Magnetic Effluvia] (1732) 241