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The Beginnings of Western Science: The European Scientific Tradition In Philosophical, Religious, And Institutional Context, Prehistory To A.D. 1450, Second Edition

The Beginnings of Western Science: The European Scientific Tradition In Philosophical, Religious, And Institutional Context, Prehistory To A.D. 1450, Second Edition 8.8分

资源最后更新于 2020-09-11 15:05:27

作者:David C. Lindberg

出版社:University of Chicago Press



文件格式: pdf

标签: 科学史 科学 欧洲历史 历史 中世纪 科学人文 哲学史 哲学

简介· · · · · ·

When it was first published in 1992, "The Beginnings of Western Science" was lauded as the first successful attempt to present a unified account of both ancient and medieval science in a single volume. Chronicling the development of scientific ideas, practices, and institutions from pre-Socratic Greek philosophy to late-medieval scholasticism, David C. Lindberg surveyed the mos...


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List of Illustrations
1 Science Before the Greeks
2 The Greeks and the Cosmos
3 Aristotle's Philosophy of Nature
4 Hellenistic Natural Philosophy
5 The Mathematical Sciences in Antiquity
6 Greek and Roman Medicine
7 Roman and Early Medieval Science
8 Islamic Science
9 The Revival of Learning in the West
10 The Recovery and Assimilation of Greek and Islamic Science
11 The Medieval Cosmos
12 The Physics of the Sublunar Region
13 Medieval Medicine and Natural History
14 The Legacy of Ancient and Medieval Science