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The Uses of Experiment: Studies in the Natural Sciences

The Uses of Experiment: Studies in the Natural Sciences 0.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-09-11 16:54:13

作者:David Gooding (ed.)

出版社:Cambridge University Press



文件格式: pdf

标签: STS EarlyModernEurope 科学史 SimonSchaffer Laboratory

简介· · · · · ·

Experiment is widely regarded as the most distinctive feature of natural science and essential to the way scientists find out about the world. Yet there has been little study of the way scientists actually make and use experiments. The Uses of Experiment fills this gap in our knowledge about how science is practised. Presenting 14 original case studies of important and often fa...

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Part I. Instruments in Experiments:
1. Scientific instruments: models of brass and aids to discovery
2. Glass works: Newton's prisms and the uses of experiment
3. A viol of water or a wedge of glass
Part II. Experiment and Argument:
4. Galileo's experimental discourse
5. Fresnel, Poisson and the white spot: the role of successful predictions in the acceptance of scientific theories
6. The rhetoric of experiment
Part III. Representing and Realising:
7. 'Magnetic curves' and the magnetic field: experimentation and representation in the history of a theory
8. Artificial clouds, real particles
9. Living in the material world
10. Justification and experimentation
Part IV. The Constituency of Experiment:
11. Extraordinary experiment: electricity and the creation of life in Victorian England
12. Why did Britain join CERN?
Part V. Hallmarks of Experiment:
13. From Kwajalein to Armageddon? Testing and the social construction of missile accuracy
14. The epistemology of experiment
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