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Speaking of Epidemics in Chinese Medicine: Disease and the Geographic Imagination in Late Imperial China

Speaking of Epidemics in Chinese Medicine: Disease and the Geographic Imagination in Late Imperial China 0.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-09-11 16:55:25

作者:Marta Hanson




文件格式: pdf

标签: 医疗史 医学史 韩嵩 医学 medicine NewBooksNetwork 醫療史

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Chapter One Medical History in Three Themes: Chinese epidemiology, the geographic imagination, and a biography of wenbing Warm diseases 29 --
Chapter Two A Deep History of the Chinese Geographic Imagination: The five directions, northwest-southeast dichotomy, and southern shift 76 --
Chapter Three The Geographic Imagination in Ming Medicine: Northern purgatives, southern restoratives, and conceptions of north and south 130 --
Chapter Four Ming Medical Frontiers: Diseases of the Far South, new conceptions of contagion 179 --
Chapter Five Ming Medical Skepticism: Epidemiological Crisis, Cosmological Criticism 238 --
Chapter Six Matters of Place: Epistemological Divisions, Genealogical Divergence 273 --
Chapter Seven Emergence of Traditions: The nineteenth-century genealogy and geography of Warm diseases 331.