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The Cheese and the Worms: The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-Century Miller

The Cheese and the Worms: The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-Century Miller 0.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-09-12 16:14:20

作者:Carlo Ginzburg

译者:Anne C. Tedeschi

出版社:Johns Hopkins University Press



文件格式: pdf

标签: 历史 英文版 社会学 文化史 推荐 非虚构 阅读材料 社会科学

简介· · · · · ·

A survey of popular culture in 16th century Italy. Ginzburg’s study The Cheese & The Worms: The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-century Miller, first published in 1976, is one of those fascinating micro-histories which explores the remote lives of unknown and forgotten people. The story of Menocchio is one of a peasant life of obscurity but also one of strange and powerful ideas – confus...


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Translators' Note viii
Preface to the English Edition xi
Preface to the Italian Edition xiii
Acknowledgments xxvii
1-62 1-127
Notes 129
Index of Names 173