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Front-End Web Development: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide (1st Edition)

Front-End Web Development: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide (1st Edition) 0.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-09-14 17:25:39

作者:[美] Chris Aquino

出版社:The Big Nerd Ranch Guides



文件格式: pdf

标签: 软件开发 英文原版 研发书单 前端 nonfiction Programming Front-end Computer

简介· · · · · ·

Front-end development targets the browser, putting your applications in front of the widest range of users regardless of device or operating system. This guide will give you a solid foundation for creating rich web experiences across platforms.

Focusing on JavaScript, CSS3, and HTML5, this book is for programmers with a background in other platforms and developers with previous...

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Part I. Core Browser Programming
Chapter 1 Setting Up Your Development Environment
Chapter 2 Setting Up Your First Project
Chapter 3 Styles
Chapter 4 Responsive Layouts with Flexbox
Chapter 5 Adaptive Layouts with Media Queries
Chapter 6 Handling Events with JavaScript
Chapter 7 Visual Effects with CSS
Part II. Modules, Objects, and Forms
Chapter 8 Modules, Objects, and Methods
Chapter 9 Introduction to Bootstrap
Chapter 10 Processing Forms with JavaScript
Chapter 11 From Data to DOM
Chapter 12 Validating Forms
Chapter 13 Ajax
Chapter 14 Deferreds and Promises
Part III. Real-Time Data
Chapter 15 Introduction to Node.js
Chapter 16 Real-Time Communication with WebSockets
Chapter 17 Using ES6 with Babel
Chapter 18 ES6, the Adventure Continues
Part IV. Application Architecture
Chapter 19 Introduction to MVC and Ember
Chapter 20 Routing, Routes, and Models
Chapter 21 Models and Data Binding
Chapter 22 Data – Adapters, Serializers, and Transforms
Chapter 23 Views and Templates
Chapter 24 Controllers
Chapter 25 Components
Chapter 26 Afterword