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On Criticism

On Criticism 0.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-09-20 23:30:56

作者:Noel Carroll




文件格式: pdf

标签: NoëlCarroll 马凌诺斯基 社会学 理论 哲学 人类学 theory criticism

简介· · · · · ·

In a recent poll of practicing art critics, 75 percent reported that rendering judgments on artworks was the least significant aspect of their job. This is a troubling statistic for philosopher and critic Noel Carroll, who argues that the proper task of the critic is not simply to describe, or to uncover hidden meanings or agendas, but ultimately to determine what is of value i...

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Acknowledgments viii
Introduction 1
Criticism as Evaluation One 11
The Object of Criticism Two 48
The Parts of Criticism (Minus One) Three 84
Evaluation: Problems and Prospects Four 153
Notes 197
Index 202