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How to Walk on Water and Climb up Walls: Animal Movement and the Robots of the Future

How to Walk on Water and Climb up Walls: Animal Movement and the Robots of the Future 0.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-07-21 20:56:09

作者:David Hu

出版社:Princeton University Press



文件格式: pdf

标签: 胡立德 生物力学 科普 数学 搞笑诺贝尔奖 仿生 Science 科学

简介· · · · · ·

Discovering the secrets of animal movement and what they can teach us

Insects walk on water, snakes slither, and fish swim. Animals move with astounding grace, speed, and versatility: how do they do it, and what can we learn from them? InHow to Walk on Water and Climb up Walls, David Hu takes readers on an accessible, wondrous journey into the world of animal motion. From basem...


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