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Politics and Teleology in Kant

Politics and Teleology in Kant 0.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-10-03 04:29:49

作者:Paul Formosa

出版社:University of Wales Press



文件格式: pdf

标签: 法哲学 文集 政治哲学 德国 康德 哲学 历史哲学

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Introduction: The Connection between Politics and Teleology in Kant
1 Natural Right in Toward Perpetual Peace
2 The Ends of Politics: Kant on Sovereignty, Civil Disobedience and Cosmopolitanism
3 The Development of Kant’s Cosmopolitanism
4 Kant’s Principles of Publicity
5 Public Reason and Kantian Civic Education, or: Are the Humanities ‘Dispensable’ and If Not, Why Not?
6 Kant, Justice and Civic Fellowship
7 Teleology and the Grounds of Duties of Juridical Right
8 The Guarantee of Perpetual Peace: Three Concerns 145
9 Teleology in Kant’s Philosophy of History and Political Philosophy
10 The Political Foundations of Prophetic History
11 What Are We Allowed to Hope? Kant’s Philosophy of History as Political Philosophy 194
12 The Principle of Purposiveness: From the Beautiful to the Biological and Finally to the Political in Kant’s Critique of Judgment 211
13 Perfected Humanity: Nature’s Final End and the End in Itself 228
14 Kant’s Pure Ethics and the Problem of ‘Application’ 245