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Data Science at the Command Line: Facing the Future with Time-Tested Tools

Data Science at the Command Line: Facing the Future with Time-Tested Tools 7.3分

资源最后更新于 2020-10-05 18:43:59

作者:Jeroen Janssens

出版社:O'Reilly Media



文件格式: pdf

标签: 数据分析 data 计算机 数据挖掘 编程 cs Python 计算机科学

简介· · · · · ·

This hands-on guide demonstrates how the flexibility of the command line can help you become a more efficient and productive data scientist. You’ll learn how to combine small, yet powerful, command-line tools to quickly obtain, scrub, explore, and model your data.

To get you started—whether you’re on Windows, OS X, or Linux—author Jeroen Janssens introduces the Data Science Too...


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Chapter 1 Introduction
Data Science Is OSEMN
Intermezzo Chapters
What Is the Command Line?
Why Data Science at the Command Line?
A Real-World Use Case
Further Reading
Chapter 2 Getting Started
Setting Up Your Data Science Toolbox
Essential Concepts and Tools
Further Reading
Chapter 3 Obtaining Data
Copying Local Files to the Data Science Toolbox
Decompressing Files
Converting Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets
Querying Relational Databases
Downloading from the Internet
Calling Web APIs
Further Reading
Chapter 4 Creating Reusable Command-Line Tools
Converting One-Liners into Shell Scripts
Creating Command-Line Tools with Python and R
Further Reading
Chapter 5 Scrubbing Data
Common Scrub Operations for Plain Text
Working with CSV
Working with HTML/XML and JSON
Common Scrub Operations for CSV
Further Reading
Chapter 6 Managing Your Data Workflow
Introducing Drake
Installing Drake
Obtain Top Ebooks from Project Gutenberg
Every Workflow Starts with a Single Step
Well, That Depends
Rebuilding Specific Targets
Further Reading
Chapter 7 Exploring Data
Inspecting Data and Its Properties
Computing Descriptive Statistics
Creating Visualizations
Further Reading
Chapter 8 Parallel Pipelines
Serial Processing
Parallel Processing
Distributed Processing
Further Reading
Chapter 9 Modeling Data
More Wine, Please!
Dimensionality Reduction with Tapkee
Clustering with Weka
Regression with SciKit-Learn Laboratory
Classification with BigML
Further Reading
Chapter 10 Conclusion
Let’s Recap
Three Pieces of Advice
Where to Go from Here?
Getting in Touch