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Algebra: Chapter 0

Algebra: Chapter 0 9.3分

资源最后更新于 2020-10-05 18:47:52

作者:Paolo Aluffi

出版社:American Mathematical Society



文件格式: pdf

标签: 代数 数学 抽象代数 Algebra 范畴论 范畴 近世代数 线性代数

简介· · · · · ·

Algebra: Chapter 0 is a self-contained introduction to the main topics of algebra, suitable for a first sequence on the subject at the beginning graduate or upper undergraduate level. The primary distinguishing feature of the book, compared to standard textbooks in algebra, is the early introduction of categories, used as a unifying theme in the presentation of the main topics....


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Cover 1
Title page 4
Contents 6
Introduction 18
Chapter I. Preliminaries: Set theory and categories 24
Chapter II. Groups, first encounter 64
Chapter III. Rings and modules 142
Chapter IV. Groups, second encounter 210
Chapter V. Irreducibility and factorization in integral domains 266
Chapter VI. Linear algebra 328
Chapter VII. Fields 408
Chapter VIII. Linear algebra, reprise 506
Chapter IX. Homological algebra 582
Index 722
Back Cover 738