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The Mechanical Retina on My Fingertips: 視網膜直結指尖相機 豆 0.0分
资源最后更新于 2020-10-22 22:27:32
作者:須田 一政
出版社:Zen Foto Gallery
文件格式: pdf
标签: 摄影 写真 须田一政 日本 艺术 写真集 Photography PHOTOBOOK
简介· · · · · ·
“The Mechanical Retina on My Fingertips” is how Suda named his Minox Camera that held him in thrall from 1991 to 1992. The Minox camera is popularly known as a spy camera - It fits in the pocket with a shutter release as light as the blink of an eye. The resulting images developed from 8x11mm negatives are grainy and have a flat perspective. Suda comments that “no other camera ...