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JavaScript Next: Your Complete Guide to the New Features Introduced in JavaScript, Starting from ES6 to ES9 豆 0.0分
资源最后更新于 2020-10-23 14:39:32
作者:Raju Gandhi
文件格式: pdf
标签: 技术
简介· · · · · ·
Get an intimate understanding of JavaScript's new features so that you know the best use-case for each
Learn to refactor your existing code bases to confidently apply them to different use cases
Written by developer Raju Gandhi, who has taught this subject to hundreds of developers
let and const — The New Declarations on the Block
Lambdas with Arrow Functions
Effective Function Signatures with Default and Rest Parameters
Divide and Conquer with Object and Array Destructuring
Formatted Strings Using Template Strings
Maps and Sets—The New Data-structures on the Block
Bright Shiny Object(s) using Enhanced Object Literals
Hiding Behind Symbols
Iterable Sequences with Generators and Iterators
Avoiding Callbacks with Promises
Many of a Kind with Classes
Namespacing Code Using Modules
Metamorphosis with Proxy and Reflect
Asynchronous Iterators and Generators—A Meeting of the Minds
Lambdas with Arrow Functions
Effective Function Signatures with Default and Rest Parameters
Divide and Conquer with Object and Array Destructuring
Formatted Strings Using Template Strings
Maps and Sets—The New Data-structures on the Block
Bright Shiny Object(s) using Enhanced Object Literals
Hiding Behind Symbols
Iterable Sequences with Generators and Iterators
Avoiding Callbacks with Promises
Many of a Kind with Classes
Namespacing Code Using Modules
Metamorphosis with Proxy and Reflect
Asynchronous Iterators and Generators—A Meeting of the Minds