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Learn React Hooks: Build and refactor modern React.js applications using Hooks

Learn React Hooks: Build and refactor modern React.js applications using Hooks 0.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-10-23 14:39:42

作者:Daniel Bugl

出版社:Packt Publishing



文件格式: pdf

标签: 技术 hooks

简介· · · · · ·

React Hooks revolutionize how you manage state and effects in your web applications. They enable you to build simple and concise React.js applications, along with helping you avoid using wrapper components in your applications, making it easy to refactor code.

This React book starts by introducing you to React Hooks. You will then get to grips with building a complex UI in Reac...


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1.Introducing React and React Hooks
2.Using the State Hook
3.Writing Your First Application with React Hooks
4.Using the Reducer and Effect Hooks
5.Implementing React Context
6.Implementing Requests and React Suspense
7.Using Hooks for Routing
8.Using Community Hooks
9.Rules of Hooks
10.Building Your Own Hooks
11.Migrating from React Class Components
12.Redux and Hooks
13.MobX and Hooks