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New Directions in Contemporary Architecture: Evolutions and Revolutions in Building Design Since 1988 豆 0.0分
资源最后更新于 2020-11-09 13:15:59
作者:Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi
文件格式: pdf
标签: 建筑 当代 建筑史 LuigiPuglisi 建:史 建 城市笔记人推荐 architecture+history
简介· · · · · ·
Rem Koolhaas has defined architecture as a chaotic adventure. Nothing could be more true than that of the last two decades. Never has architecture been so unbridled and so extraordinary: the architectural cast has never been so wide and their works so diverse. What though if you are new to the subject? How is it possible to make sense of this seemingly unruly architectural land...