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Why Do Architects Wear Black?

Why Do Architects Wear Black? 7.4分

资源最后更新于 2020-11-09 13:16:07

作者:Rau, Cordula 编

出版社:Springer Vienna Architecture



文件格式: pdf

标签: 建筑 建筑八卦 设计 Architecture 建筑师 时装 乱七八糟 随笔

简介· · · · · ·

An industry manager who left his white-blue, silver-shimmering world of car bodywork and dove into the pitch-black, mysterious world of architecture for the first time during a competition asked me one day: "Ms Rau, why do architects actually wear black?" Although I was wearing black and I am an architect I didn't have a spontaneous answer, so I responded: "Ask the other archit...

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