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Peter Zumthor Works: Buildings and Projects 1979-1997

Peter Zumthor Works: Buildings and Projects 1979-1997 9.2分

资源最后更新于 2020-11-09 20:38:08

作者:[瑞士] 彼得·卒姆托

出版社:Princeton Architectural Press



文件格式: pdf

标签: PeterZumthor 建筑 Architecture 瑞士建筑师 建筑设计 peter_zumthor 瑞士 zumthor

简介· · · · · ·

Peter Zumthor is possibly the most innovative European architect working today. His projects inspire enthusiasm with their exactitude, their poetry, and their radically independent aesthetics and vocabulary of form.

This publication, exquisitely designed to the architect's exacting standards, is the first complete survey of Zumthor's oeuvre. As exceptional as the architect's...

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