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Everyday Modernity in China

Everyday Modernity in China 0.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-11-26 18:05:59

作者:Dong, Madeleine Yue

出版社:University of Washington Press



文件格式: pdf

标签: 海外中国研究 现代性 社会学 文化研究 董玥 日常生活 Modernity 中国近代史

简介· · · · · ·

Is modernity in non-Western societies always an “alternative” modernity, a derivative copy of an “original modernity” that began in the West ? No, answer the contributors to this book, who then offer an absorbing set of case studies from modern China to make their point. By focusing on people’s ordinary routines of working, eating, going to school, and traveling, the authors ex...


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Introduction, by Joshua Goldstein
1 Out of the Ordinary: Implications of Material Culture and Daily Li fe in China
Hanchao Lu
2 The Violence of the Everyday in Early Twentieth-Century China
Rebecca Karl
3 Discursive Community and the Genealogy of Scientific Categories
Wang Hui
4 The Modernity of Savings, 1900-1937
Brett Sheehan
5 Reimagining China: Xiamen, Overseas Chinese, and a Transnational Modernity
James A. Cook
6 Shanghai's China Traveler
Madeleine Yue Dong
7 Self-Development of Migrant Women and the Production of Suzhi (Quality) as
Surplus Value
Yan Hairong
8 The Remains of the Everyday: One Hundred Years of Recycling in Beijing
Joshua Goldstein
9 From Provision to Exchange: Legalizing the Market in China's Urban Water Supply
Alana Boland