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Proofs and Algorithms: An Introduction to Logic and Computability

Proofs and Algorithms: An Introduction to Logic and Computability 0.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-07-26 15:37:44

作者:Gilles Dowek




文件格式: pdf

标签: 计算机科学 算法 逻辑学 计算理论 计算机 Springer 2011

简介· · · · · ·

Logic is a branch of philosophy, mathematics and computer science. It studies the required methods to determine whether a statement is true, such as reasoning and computation. Proofs and Algorithms: Introduction to Logic and Computability is an introduction to the fundamental concepts of contemporary logic - those of a proof, a computable function, a model and a set. It presen...


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-Predictive Logic.
-Inductive Definitions.
-The Languages of Predicate Logic.
-Examples of Theories.
-Variations on the Principle of the Excluded Middle.
-The Notion of a Model.
-The Soundness Theorem.
-The Completeness Theorem.
-Other Applications of the Notion of Model.
-Computable Functions.
-Computable Functions.
-Computability over Lists and Trees.
-Eliminating Recursion.
-Computation as a Sequence of Small Steps.
-Proofs and Algorithms.
-Church's Theorem.
-Automated Theorem Proving.
-Sequent Calculus.
-Proof Search in the Sequent Calculus Without Cuts.
-Decidable theories.