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Data-intensive Text Processing With Mapreduce: Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies

Data-intensive Text Processing With Mapreduce: Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies 8.8分

资源最后更新于 2020-07-26 15:38:15

作者:Jimmy Lin

出版社:Morgan and Claypool Publishers



文件格式: pdf

标签: mapreduce 数据挖掘 hadoop 分布式 机器学习 map-reduce 算法 计算机

简介· · · · · ·

Our world is being revolutionized by data-driven methods: access to large amounts of data has generated new insights and opened exciting new opportunities in commerce, science, and computing applications. Processing the enormous quantities of data necessary for these advances requires large clusters, making distributed computing paradigms more crucial than ever. MapReduce is a ...

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2.MapReduce Basics
3.MapReduce Algorithm Design
4. Inverted Indexing for Text Retrieval
5.Graph Algorithms
6.EM Algorithms for Text Processing
7.Closing Remarks