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Unlimited Power: The New Science Of Personal Achievement

Unlimited Power: The New Science Of Personal Achievement 8.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-10-27 12:20:16

作者:Anthony Robbins

出版社:Free Press



文件格式: pdf

标签: 安东尼*罗宾 个人管理 SelfDevelopment 自我提高 励志 NLP 心理学 management

简介· · · · · ·

Anthony Robbins calls it the new science of personal achievement. You'll call it the best thing that ever happened to you. If you have ever dreamed of a better life, Unlimited Power will show you how to achieve the extraordinary quality of life you desire and deserve, and how to master your personal and professional life. Anthony Robbins has proven to millions through his bo...


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SECTION I: The Modeling of Human Excellence
I. The Commodity of Kings
II. The Difference that Makes the Difference
III. The Power of State
IV. The Birth of Excellence: Belief
V. The Seven Lies of Success
VI. Mastering Your Mind: How to Run Your Brain
VII. The Syntax of Success
VIII. How to Elicit Someone's Strategy
IX. Physiology: The Avenue of Excellence
X. Energy: The Fuel of Excellence
SECTION II: The Ultimate Success Formula
XI. Limitation Disengage: What Do You Want?
XII. The Power of Precision
XIII. The Magic of Rapport
XIV. Distinctions of Excellence: Metaprograms
XV. How to Handle Resistance and Solve Problems
XVI. Reframing: The Power of Perspective
XVII. Anchoring Yourself to Success
SECTION III: Leadership: The Challenge of Excellence
XVIII. Value Hierarchies: The Ultimate Judgment of Success
XIX. The Five Keys to Wealth and Happiness
XX. Trend Creation: The Power of Persuasion
XXI. Living Excellence: The Human Challenge