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Insight Out: Get Ideas Out of Your Head and Into the World

Insight Out: Get Ideas Out of Your Head and Into the World 0.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-10-27 12:49:26

作者:Tina Seelig




文件格式: pdf

标签: 创新 思考 设计 必读 励志 创业 产品设计 个人管理

简介· · · · · ·

What if there were a clear set of instructions to help you bring your best ideas to life? As with a recipe, you could take a compelling idea and with concrete steps, transform it into something extraordinary.

As a professor at Stanford University, Tina Seelig has dedicated her career to teaching the practice of moving from imagination to implementation. In Insight Out, she welc...


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Introduction: inspiration to implementation
Imagination. Engage: the keys to the building
Envision: all the world's a stage
Creativity. Motivate: you're the customer
Experiment: break some eggs
Innovation. Focus: take out the trash
Reframe: retrain your brain
Entrepreneurship. Persist: what floats your boat?
Inspire: tell me a story
Conclusion: the end is the beginning.