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The Internet and New Social Formation in China: Fandom Publics and Netizens in the Making

The Internet and New Social Formation in China: Fandom Publics and Netizens in the Making 6.9分

资源最后更新于 2020-11-03 12:19:22

作者:Weiyu Zhang




文件格式: pdf

标签: 社会学 传播学 粉丝研究 政治学 粉丝公众 粉丝文化 社会运动 海外中国研究

简介· · · · · ·

There are 5.13 billion Internet users in China, and this number is continually growing. This book looks at the various purposes of this Internet use, and provides a study about how the entertainment-consuming users form into publics through the mediation of technologies in the era of network society. It questions how individuals, mediated by new information and communication te...

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1. Fans and publics in contemporary China
2. Popular culture and civil society on the Internet
3. RearWindow to movies: From fans to subaltern publics
4. Ten years after: From subaltern to regular publics
5. Online translation community: From consumers to produsers
6. American reality shows: From entertainment to politics
7. Renren vs. Douban: Fan objects as network nodes
8. The Weibo publics: Celebrities as network nodes
9. Conclusions