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Sass and Compass in Action

Sass and Compass in Action 0.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-11-15 04:25:36

作者:Wynn Netherland

出版社:Manning Publications



文件格式: pdf

标签: css sass Web前端 web compas 计算机 前端 程序员

简介· · · · · ·

Written by Sass and Compass creators * Complete Sass language reference * Covers prominent Compass community plug-ins * Innovative approach to creating stylesheets Cascading Style Sheets paint the web as the user sees it and for years the web has been painted by hand. Sass and Compass extend standard CSS to give more flexibility and the option to simplify or automate many tedi...


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Part 1: Introducing Sass and Compass
1. Sass and Compass make stylesheets fun again - FREE
2. Basic Sass syntax - AVAILABLE
3. Getting to know Compass
Part 2: Real-world stylesheets
4. CSS grids without the math
5. Eliminate the mundane using Compass - AVAILABLE
6. Advanced CSS3 theming with Compass
7. From prototype to production
8. High-performance stylesheets
9. Wrangling IE and legacy browsers
Part 3: Writing Compass frameworks and plugins
10. Scripting with Sass - AVAILABLE
11. Case study: Sencha Touch
12. Compass community plugins
13. Building a personal framework
14. Sharing a plugin with others
A. Installing Sass and Compass
B. Configuration options
C. Compass command line
D. Debugging tips and tools