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Redis in Action

Redis in Action 8.2分

资源最后更新于 2020-11-15 04:26:24

作者:Josiah L. Carlson

出版社:Manning Publications



文件格式: pdf

标签: redis nosql 数据库 Redis Programming 英文版 NoSQL 计算机

简介· · · · · ·

Redis is an innovative data tool that offers more flexibility than other available NoSQL key-value stores like Cassandra or DynamoDB. Because Redis accepts hashes, strings, lists, and other structures as values, you can expand the key-value idea to a wider range of use cases. Redis works with in-memory datasets to provide lightning-fast response times, and makes it easy to pers...


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Table of Contents Resources
Part 1 Getting started
1 Getting to know Redis - FREE
2 Anatomy of a Redis web application - AVAILABLE
Part 2 Core concepts
3 Data structures
4 Maintaining Redis and ensuring performance
5 Using Redis for systems administration
6 Application components in Redis - AVAILABLE
7 Entire applications in Redis
8 Actually building Twitter
Part 3 Next steps
9 Reducing memory use
10 Scaling Redis up
11 Scaling Redis out
12 Scripting
A Quick and dirty setup
B Sample code for problems/examples in Javascript
C Sample code for problems/examples in Ruby
D Other resources and references