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iOS Animations by Tutorials: Setting Swift in Motion

iOS Animations by Tutorials: Setting Swift in Motion 9.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-11-17 04:25:19

作者:Marin Todorov

出版社:Razeware LLC



文件格式: pdf

标签: iOS Animation 动画 Swift Objective-C Apple Programming 计算机

简介· · · · · ·

Make Delightful Animations with Swift! There’s no denying it: creating animations is one of the most enjoyable parts of iOS development. Animations are fun to create, they breathe life into your user interface, and they make your app a delight to use. In this book, you’ll learn about iOS animation in Swift from beginning to advanced through a series of hands-on tutorials and ch...


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Marin Todorov is one of the founding members of the raywenderlich.com tutorial team. He is an independent iOS consultant and publisher, and also has a background in web and desktop development. Besides crafting code, Marin also enjoys blogging, writing books and speaking at conferences. He happily open sources code.