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欧洲文化入门 7.4分

资源最后更新于 2020-11-19 04:34:55





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标签: 欧洲文化 文化 英语 教材 英语专业 王佐良 欧洲文化入门 英语教材

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Introduction 1. Uses of the Subject 2. Two Major Elements in European CultureDIVSION ONE GREEK CULTURE AND ROMAN CULTUREⅠ. Greek Culture 1. The Historical Context 2. Social and Political Structure 3. Homer 4. Lyric Poetry 5. Drama a. Aeschylus(525-456 B. C.) b. Sophocles(496-406 B. C.) c. Euripides(484-406 B. C.) d. Comedy 6. History a. Herodotus (484-430 B. C.) b. Thucydides(about 460-404 B. C.) 7. Philosophy and Science a. Socrates b. Plato c. Aristotle d. Contending Schools of Thought e. Science 8. Art, Architecture, Sculpture and Pottery a. Art b. Architecture c. Sculpture i. Discus Thrower ii. Venus de Milo iii. Laocoon group about 125 B. C. d. Pottery 9. Impact a. Spirit of Innovation b. Supreme Achievement c. Lasting Effect Question for RevisionⅡ. Roman Culture 1. Romans and Greeks 2. Roman History 3. Latin Literature a. Prose i. Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 B. C.) ii. Julius Caesar (102/100?-44 B. C.) b. Poetry i. Lucretius (about 93-50 B. C.) ii. Virgil (70-19 B.C.) 4. Architecture, Painting and Sculpture ……Select Bibliography 参考书目欧洲与中国:大事对照简