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Pro Design Patterns in Swift

Pro Design Patterns in Swift 0.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-11-20 04:40:18

作者:Adam Freeman




文件格式: pdf

标签: swift Patterns Design in Swift Pro Apress

简介· · · · · ·

The Swift programming language has transformed the world of iOS development and started a new age of modern Cocoa development. Pro Design Patterns in Swift shows you how to harness the power and flexibility of Swift to apply the most important and enduring design patterns to your applications, taking your development projects to master level.

This book will teach you those desi...


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Table of ContentsPart 1 - Getting Started
1. Understanding Design Patterns
2. Getting Used to Xcode
3. Creating the SportsStore App
Part 2 - The Creation Patterns
4. The Object Template Pattern
5. The Prototype Pattern
6. The Singleton Pattern
7. The Object Pool Pattern
8. Object Pool Variations
9. The Factory Method Pattern
10. The Abstract Factory Pattern
11. The Builder Pattern
Part 3 - The Structural Patterns
12. The Adapter Pattern
13. The Bridge Pattern
14. The Decorator Pattern
15. The Composite Pattern
16. The Facade Pattern
17. The Flyweight Pattern
18. The Proxy Pattern
Part 4 - The Behavioral Patterns
19. The Chain of Responsibility Pattern
20. The Command Pattern
21. The Mediator Pattern
22. The Observer Pattern
23. The Memento Pattern
24. The Strategy Pattern
25. The Visitor Pattern
26. The Template Method Pattern
Part 5 - The MVC Pattern
27. The MVC Pattern