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Introduction to Syriac: An Elementary Grammar With Readings from Syriac Literature 豆 0.0分
资源最后更新于 2020-11-21 02:29:08
作者:Wheeler M. Thackston
出版社:Ibex Pub
文件格式: pdf
标签: 语言学 叙利亚语 語言 教材 敘利亞語 东方基督教 Syriac Language
简介· · · · · ·
Assuming no previous knowledge of a Semitic language, Thackston (Persian and other Near East languages, Harvard U.) introduces the Aramaic dialect of Edessa, an important center of early Christianity in Mesopotamia, and a classic language among several people of the region today. He uses both the Syriac script as students will encounter it, and English transliteration to clarif...