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The Secret Piano: From Mao's Labor Camps to Bach's Goldberg Variations

The Secret Piano: From Mao's Labor Camps to Bach's Goldberg Variations 9.0分

资源最后更新于 2020-08-17 14:30:16

作者:Zhu Xiao-Mei

译者:Ellen Hinsey




文件格式: pdf

标签: 朱晓玫 音乐 传记 钢琴 自传 英文原版 艺术 古典音乐

简介· · · · · ·

Zhu Xiao-Mei was born to middle-class parents in post-war China, and her musical proficiency became clear at an early age. Taught to play the piano by her mother, she developed quickly into a prodigy, immersing herself in the work of classical masters like Bach and Brahms. She was just ten years old when she began a rigorous course of study at the Beijing Conservatory, laying t...

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