标签名: 苏东研究
出版日期: 1980-01


评分: 9.5
Magnetic Mountain: Stalinism as a Civilization
出版日期: 1997-01
出版日期: 2018-01
出版日期: 2018-01
苏联的最后一天: 莫斯科,1991年12 月25日
出版日期: 2014-01
Everyday Stalinism: Ordinary Life in Extraordinary Times: Soviet Russia in the 1930s
出版日期: 2000-01
走向火焰: 帝国、战争与沙皇俄国的终结
出版日期: 2020-01
孤独的帝国: 俄罗斯与新世界无序
出版日期: 2019-01
出版日期: 2001-01
Cultivating the Masses: Modern State Practices and Soviet Socialism, 1914-1939
出版日期: 2011-01
The House of Government: A Saga of the Russian Revolution
出版日期: 2017-01
Protest, Reform and Repression in Khrushchev's Soviet Union
出版日期: 2013-01
The Cambridge History of Russia, Vol. 3: The Twentieth Century
出版日期: 2006-01
Raised under Stalin: Young Communists and the Defense of Socialism
出版日期: 2017-01
Defeating Authoritarian Leaders in Postcommunist Countries
出版日期: 2011-01
Stalinism and the Politics of Mobilization
出版日期: 2007-01
Stalinism Revisited: The Establishment of Communist Regimes in East-central Europe
出版日期: 2010-01
Soviet and Muslim: The Institutionalization of Islam in Central Asia
出版日期: 2017-01
Stalin's Nomads: Power and Famine in Kazakhstan
出版日期: 2018-01
Revolution on My Mind: Writing a Diary Under Stalin
出版日期: 2006-01
Governing Soviet Journalism: The Press and the Socialist Person after Stalin
出版日期: 2005-01
The State against Society: Political Crisis and Their Aftermath in East Central Europe
出版日期: 1996-01
The Politics of Economic Stagnation in the Soviet Union: The Role of Local Party Organs in Economic Management
出版日期: 1992-01
Closer to the Masses: Stalinist Culture, Social Revolution, and Soviet Newspapers
出版日期: 2004-01